Friday, December 9, 2011

bila ex dah ada pengganti

night peeps . aku rasa ex aku dah ada orang lain la berdasarkan apa yang aku baca kat wall dia tadi . what should i feel eh ? sedih ? probably not . tadi maybe la but now dah okay . pathetic sangat la kan kalau nak sedih sebab tu . 

kata dah move on kan ? so what's the matter with you wawa . enough said . jom sambung tweet dengan senior . mwahaha . 

there's always that one song that fits the situation a little too perfectly .
p/s: now playing JAR OF HEARTS . hoho .


  1. takde ape nak disedihkan ...
    belajar untuk ikhlaskan hati ...
    dia bukan utk awk .

  2. Don't over think. Be strong bebeh :)

  3. mR.aSLaN : 110% positive thinking :)

    asmarakimia : im not thinking at all . useless .

  4. For what had hpnd, u deserve for a better. Move on wawa


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